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The Glorified Christ
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He ascended into heaven
We believe that after Jesus rose back to life and appeared in true human body to his disciples and followers for 40 days. * Then Jesus gathered them together on the Mount of Olives. He gave his last instructions, raised his hand and blessed the, and was taken back to the glory of the Father.
(*Note: The Jehovah’s Witnesses falsely teach that God dissolved Jesus’ physical body. When he appeared after resurrection, he was a body that simply materialized and disappeared. This is heresy.)
A visual ascension is essential. Jesus predicted his ascension (John 6:62). During his earthly ministry he moved among the people. After his resurrection he would appear, vanish and appear elsewhere among the people (Luke 24:31, 36; John 20:26 and 21:1).
But at his ascension now he was lifted upward and away (Luke 24:51; Acts 1:9). He was gone. This would allow the Holy Spirit to come (John 16:7). Now they must tell the world about his gift of salvation (Matthew 28:19; Acts 1:8).
He is seated at the right hand of the Father
We believe Jesus is now in heaven with God the Father (John 14:28). This allowed the Holy Spirit could come to us (John 16:7).
We believe Jesus Son of God experienced everything we do in our life, from the womb to birth, from youth to life’s temptations, from joy and laughter to sorrow and agony of death, to the grave and the separation of body and soul, and its reunification, resurrection and ascension to heaven.
Though each member of the Trinity is equal, God the Father is treated as the principal person. He is the planner and the originator of all things. Therefore, the Father seated Jesus, Son of God and Son of Man, at his right hand (Mark 16:19; Acts 2:33; Hebrews 10:12). This is a symbol of Jesus’ status and honour in heaven (Luke 22:69).
Jesus sat down because his work of redemption for all humanity was complete (John 17:4). He sits with the Father as our intercessor and advocate (Romans 8:33-34; Hebrews 7:25; 1 John 2:1). An advocate speaks for those who cannot speak for themselves. He intercedes between us and the Father, as if to say, “That person is mine." Jesus knows his sheep - those who are his by their faith (John 10:14).
He will come to judge the living and the dead
We believe Jesus will return to Earth (John 14:1-30). People study the Bible and try to guess when he will return. But no one knows (Matthew 24:36, 44 and 25:13). It will be even more momentous than his first coming (Mark 13:26).
Jesus first appearing was to save the world (John 3:17). His second appearing is to judge the world (Acts 10:42; 17:31). He has been given the task of judging the individual lives all who have lived (John 5:22). They will be judged according to their faith in him (John 3:16) and righteous living (Romans 2:6-10).
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