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I believe...

1 minute read

Saying "I believe" in an age of intolerance

We live in a time when those who hold to absolutes about faith are accused of being intolerant. They say, “All roads lead to God.” And “Everyone is entitled to their beliefs.” But “beliefs” do not mean truth.”

We believe the Christian faith provides the truest and most complete understanding of God. We believe the only path to God is through Jesus Christ.

Saying "I believe" means "I mean it!"

The first two words are “I believe.” They were originally written in Greek, the common language of the Roman Empire. In Greek, they mean, “I am persuaded and confident.”

It is easy to recite the Apostles' Creed and move on. But would you give your life for it? What if someone said, "Deny or die"?


Next time, stop and realize what you are saying. When you say, “I believe,” it means you are absolutely all in – 100%.


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Let’s move on to the next point: “…in God the Father Almighty.

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