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2 minute read God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth God

​We believe there is only one God. There are no other gods, nor has he created any lower gods (Isaiah 45:5).


God is a Trinity. He exists in three, distinct, co-equal Persons: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. They are Eternal and united in being, nature, thought and purpose.


There is order within the Trinity. The Father is the originator, planner and coordinator of all things. The Son carries out the will of the Father (John 6:38) and the Holy Spirit gives life (Matthew 1:18, 20) and convicts people of God’s truth (John 16:8).


Christian-based cults deny the Trinity, particularly that Jesus is not God.


…the Father Almighty

There is order in heaven. God the Father is first in the Trinity. There is no competition between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit because are perfectly united. He is the author of all things. He is “Father” to the Son, Jesus (John 6:38).


He is Almighty, with absolute and unlimited power. He created everything out of nothing (Genesis 1:1). He is higher, purer and kinder than any “god” in the universe.


He is the father of humanity. He loves us. By his grace he forgives sin and gives eternal life. He is the spiritual father of all who believe in Christ for salvation.


…Creator of heaven and earth

We believe that God is the only creator (Isaiah 46:9). He is the creator of everything visible, from the universe to the smallest particle. He designed the invisible forces that maintain its existence.


He is separate from his creation (Genesis 1:1). Creation comes from him (Psalm 100:3). Everything was created for his glory (Psalm 148). He does not live in special rocks, trees or mountains.


Because he is perfect his creation was perfect. He declared his handiwork to be “good,” (Genesis 1:31). As well, we were created in perfection of body and share his character (Genesis 1:26-27). We were created with the privilege of close fellowship with the Father (Genesis 1:28). Sin damaged that relationship (Genesis 3:8-9).


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