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...the Forgiveness of sin

2 1/2 minute read


We messed up!

We believe in the full and complete forgiveness of sin by God (Matthew 26:28; John 1:29; 1 John 1:9). We were created to have an innocent and perfect relationship with God (Genesis 1:26). But sin broke that relationship. When we sinned we were ashamed face God and turned away from him (Genesis 3:8). All sin is ultimately against God’s righteousness (Psalm 51:4). God still loves us, but his love must be balanced with justice for our disobedience. Therefore, we are in debt to God for our sin (Romans 6:23).

We can never do enough good through good living, good deeds and good prayer and worship to earn forgiveness. At the end of the day, we are still sinful in heart and cannot appease a perfect and holy God (Ephesians 28-9; Philippians 3:9). Even our best efforts are tainted because our ultimate motive is to obtain God’s favour and forgiveness for ourselves (Colossians 3:23). We still stand before God as sinners.

God provides what we cannot

God turned it around. Because we can’t earn our forgiveness, God provides it for us. Jesus “earned” our forgiveness by taking our guilt and punishment to the cross (Colossians 2:13-14; Titus 3:5). He went through a horrific death for us (Matthew 20:18-19). It was a deal, a transaction, between the Father and the Son of God. The Trinity saw our human problem.

Try to illustrate it...

Here is a humanized conversation that might illustrate it.

The Father said to the Son and Holy Spirit, “I am offended by the sins of the people. Each must face judgment for their sin.”

The Son said, “Or we can pay it for them. People will understand that crime requires punishment. I will join with humanity. I will give myself to them. I am perfect, yet I will carry their sin as if I was a sinner. I will take the punishment they deserve by suffering the cruelest punishment possible. They will publicly see me take the punishment for their sin. Father, you accept my punishment in place of theirs.”

Then the Father said, “Yes, I agree. I will accept your pain and death as the substitute payment for theirs. They will be forgiven because you paid their debt. But – forgiveness can only be offered; they must choose to accept it. Those who reject it are still guilty and face my judgment on their own.”

The Holy Spirit said, “Then I will go to everyone that is born among every race, culture and language, and speak in their heart. I will convict their hearts of guilt for their sin and unrighteousness, and the judgment they face, and that we offer forgiveness if they believe the Son died for their sin.”

They agreed.

Forgiveness is a gift of God’s grace and mercy and is received through personal repentance and belief in the death and resurrection of God the Son as payment of our sin (John 3:16).

Want to chat about God's forgiveness?

Next: The resurrection of the body.

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