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Amen! ..."so be it!"

1.5 minute read

We believe in "Amen" to the Apostles’ Creed.

"Amen" is a strong affirmation that something is true. It is our resounding “Yes!” to the Apostles' Creed. It is our “so be it” agreement that it is eternal truth.

We accept these basic elements of faith to be the true foundation of the Christian faith. Though true Christians differ on many issues, these statements are our common meeting place.

Amen knows no geographical bounds.

Whether our “Amen” preached from the altar of the greatest cathedral (2 Chronicles 6:40-41; Psalm 150:1), shouted alone from a windswept hilltop (1 Kings 19:11; Psalm 148:9) or silently mouthed in a secret closet (Matthew 6:6; Psalm 69:3), we affirm these beliefs in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We affirm our belief that the incarnate Saviour is exactly that: our saviour, God and man, perfect, crucified, died, buried, resurrected and ascended (1 Corinthians 15:1-8).

We also affirm our own resurrection of the body to eternal life with him (2 Corinthians 4:14).

Amen knows no personal bounds.

But we also affirm our fellowship with everyone who shares these beliefs, without prejudice of race, culture, social position or education (Galatians 3:28). And without arrogance over religious practices and varying interpretations of secondary doctrines. (1 Samuel 2:3; Matthew 7:1-2; Romans 12:3; Ephesians 4:29).


These people are our brothers and sisters of the faith. Our relationship with them will be judged by the onlooking world. Our relationship with them will be judged by our Lord as we give account for our attitudes, words and deeds.


"Amen!" to the Triune God, our source of life and salvation, our object or worship and duty.

“Amen!” And again, we say, “Amen.”

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